redefine chinese restaurant syndrome
Ajinomoto, the world’s largest maker of monosodium glutamate (MSG), wanted to change the perception in America about MSG. To change perception, we had to see how it was defined. Literally. And to our surprise, the world’s most trusted dictionary, Merriam-Webster, has included an incorrect and racist phrase that often defines MSG – Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. Now the “diagnosis” has long been disproven by medical professionals. However, its effect has heavily changed how American’s view MSG. Until now.
Mai pet peeve? Outdated definitions that are CLEARLY problematic. RT to ask @merriamwebster to #RedefineCRS. Here’s why:
— Jeannie Mai (@jeanniemai) January 14, 2020
How did we do?
One Show Merit 2020 - Media Relations “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
One Show Merit 2020 - Reputation “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Webby Honoree 2020 - Best Viral PR Campaign “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Webby Honoree 2020 - Public Service & Activism “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Shorty Winner 2020 - Hashtag “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Shorty Winner 2020 - Multicultural Community Engagement “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Shorty Finalist 2020 - Twitter Video “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Shorty Finalist 2020 - Food & Beverage “Redefining Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”
Agency: Edelman